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مينوبيس كالسيوم


Menopausal Transitional Supplement

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    Menopace Calcium - Rightangled
    Menopace Calcium - Rightangled
    Menopace Calcium - Rightangled

    Quick view Summary

    • Type of medicine

      Dietary Supplement

    • Effective within

      Results may vary; Recommended to use for at least 3 months

    • Works by

      Supporting menopausal symptoms and promoting bone health

    • Active ingredient

      Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Soy Isoflavones, Magnesium, Zinc

    • Strength

      Varied strengths of active ingredients

    • Common side effects

      Mild gastrointestinal discomfort (bloating, indigestion)

    • Generic


    • Use with alcohol

      Not specifically contraindicated; Consult healthcare provider

    مينوبيس كالسيوم


    مينوبيس هي فيتامينات متعددة تدعم صحتك لفترة ما بعد انقطاع الدورة الشهرية تم إعداد تركيبة مينوبيس المتوازنة من قبل خبراء ومختصين بعد إجراء اختبارات الفعالية والسلامة ويصنف مينوبيس الاختيار الأول للسيدات في المملكة المتحدة.


    Optimal well-being during menopause involves caring for the body's evolving needs. Incorporating Menopace Calcium into your daily routine is a step toward holistic support. Simply take one tablet daily with your main meal. To ensure effective absorption and assimilation of nutrients, swallow the tablet whole with water—avoid chewing it. As with many dietary supplements, individual responses may vary. Consistency is key to experiencing potential benefits, and it's recommended to continue using Menopace Calcium for at least 3 months.


    Menopace Calcium's formulation is meticulously crafted to address the multifaceted aspects of menopause while maintaining bone health:

    Calcium: A foundational mineral crucial for sustaining strong bones and teeth. During menopause, as estrogen levels decrease, calcium requirements become even more pronounced. Adequate calcium intake helps mitigate the risk of bone density loss.

    Vitamin D: Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D plays a pivotal role in calcium absorption. By facilitating the absorption of calcium into the bloodstream, it supports the maintenance of bone health and integrity.

    Vitamin K: This essential nutrient plays a lesser-known yet critical role in bone health. Vitamin K aids in the synthesis of proteins involved in calcium utilization within bones, helping to ensure that calcium is properly directed where it is needed.

    Soy Isoflavones: Derived from soybeans, these compounds possess mild estrogenic properties. They may aid in alleviating menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, providing a measure of comfort during this transition.

    Magnesium: Essential for various bodily functions, including muscle and nerve health, magnesium contributes to maintaining bone density and overall well-being.

    Zinc: An essential mineral with diverse roles, zinc also contributes to bone health. Additionally, it supports immune function and the body's healing processes.

    Side effects

    Menopace Calcium, when used as directed, is generally well-tolerated by most individuals. However, as with any dietary supplement, there is the potential for mild side effects. Some individuals may experience minor gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating or indigestion. If you notice any adverse effects, it's recommended to discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. It's advisable to thoroughly read the label and adhere to the recommended dosage to minimize the risk of side effects.


    Menopace Calcium is tailored to women undergoing the menopausal phase. If you are not experiencing menopausal symptoms, this supplement might not be suited for your needs.

    Prior to incorporating Menopace Calcium into your routine, consult with your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, planning pregnancy, currently taking medications, or have underlying health conditions.

    It's important to understand that Menopace Calcium is not intended to replace a balanced diet or healthy lifestyle. Rather, it's designed to complement these aspects and support your overall well-being.

    Keep Menopace Calcium out of reach of children, and store it in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight.

    Patient information leaflet

    Download patient information leaflet (PIL) on the link below:


    Is Menopace Calcium suitable for postmenopausal women, or is it only intended for those currently experiencing menopause?

    Menopace Calcium is designed to provide comprehensive support for women during the entire menopausal journey, including postmenopausal stages. The supplement's blend of nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, and soy isoflavones, remains valuable in promoting bone health and overall well-being during and after menopause.

    Can I take Menopace Calcium along with other daily multivitamins and minerals?

    While Menopace Calcium is formulated to address specific menopausal needs, combining it with other multivitamins and minerals should be approached with care. Some nutrients may overlap, and excessive intake can have unintended effects. Before adding any new supplement to your regimen, it's advisable to consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

    Is Menopace Calcium gluten-free?

    Yes, Menopace Calcium is formulated to be gluten-free. It's crafted to accommodate various dietary preferences and restrictions, ensuring that individuals following a gluten-free lifestyle can confidently incorporate it into their health routine.

    Can I continue using Menopace Calcium beyond the recommended 3-month period?

    Yes, you can continue using Menopace Calcium beyond the initial 3-month period. While individual responses may vary, sustained use can provide ongoing support for bone health and overall well-being. If you have specific health concerns or are uncertain about extended use, it's recommended to consult your healthcare provider for guidance.

    Who can benefit from taking Menopace Calcium?

    Menopace Calcium is suitable for women experiencing menopausal symptoms who are also concerned about maintaining strong bones. It can be particularly beneficial for women at risk of osteoporosis or those with low dietary calcium intake.

    Medically reviewed and published

    This page was medically reviewed by Dr Sohaib Imtiaz, Clinical Lead |

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