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اختبار صحة القلب

سعر عادي
£ 60.00
سعر عادي
سعر البيع
£ 60.00
شامل الضريبة. الشحن محسوب عند الخروج.

جنبًا إلى جنب مع الحمض النووي للقلب الشهير ، سيخضع اختبار الدم لصحة القلب لدينا من خلال جميع المتغيرات التي تقيس المؤشرات الحيوية الهامة لقلبك. حدد مخاطر القلب والأوعية الدموية التي قد تتعرض لها من خلال وخز إصبع بسيط ، وتقرير مفصل بدقة راجعه المتخصصون الطبيون.

يقيس هذا الاختبار:

✔️ اللاكتات ديهيدروجينيز (LDH)

✔️ الكرياتين كيناز (CK)

✔️ بروتين سي التفاعلي عالي الحساسية (hs-CRP)

✔️ كوليسترول البروتين الدهني عالي الكثافة (HDL)

✔️ كوليسترول البروتين الدهني منخفض الكثافة (LDL)

✔️ الدهون الثلاثية

طريقة جمع العينات:

☝️🩸 وخز الإصبع

Medical Assessment

Qualified Doctors and Cardiologists will provide a medical review based on your biomarkers.

Detailed reports

Your results and full report will be available on your online portal. All biomarkers will be shown with an explanation and an in-depth reading.

Is this test for me?

Take the Heart Health Test if you want to focus on your:

- Long Term Health
- Fitness

Did you know?

Your heart pumps about 7600 litres of blood every day!

    Heart Health Blood Test - Rightangled
    Heart Health Blood Test - Rightangled


    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled

    "It's a great place for any testing like covid and blood tests my experience was very good."

    Jamil Khan (GB)

    "Great service. I have tried several blood test services and Rightangled is the best for speed, efficiency and customer service."

    Simon (GB)

    "Interesting details on some of the health risks I need to be aware of. Some were very surprising as there has been no family history - which I would have expected with the DNA test results. It might be good to combine DNA with blood test to see that if you are likely to be low on for example folates, to see if you actually are low on these. Maybe an idea?"

    Lilian (GB)

    How it works

    • 1. Order your kit

      Choose the test which suits you best and order online. There are lots of different delivery options to suit how urgently you need the test. Choose the option which suits you best at checkout. If you order before 3pm your order will be dispatched on the same day.

    • 2. Send your sample

      Once you receive your kit, register your barcode and take the sample by following the instruction manual. We also have videos available to make the process easier. Place the sample in the package and send it off to the lab. Check out more on our Shipping & Returns page.

    • 3. Download your reports

      Your results will be processed within 48 hours from the time they are received by the lab. You will get a notification sent to your email once the report is ready! Then you can access the report and even book an appointment with one of our partners if you need more information.

    Deepen Your Cardiovascular Knowledge.

    اختبار صحة القلب

    Tested biomarkers panel

    • Looking at your Cardiovascular Risk

    • More about the Heart Health Biomarkers

    We look for any biomarkers that are linked to cardiovascular diseases and determine any risks that may be affecting your cardiac health & wellness. You will be given a review with detailed advice on how to optimise your cardiac health.

    Our Heart Health test analyzes the 6 biomarkers;

    ✔️Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
    ✔️Creatine Kinase (CK)
    ✔️High-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
    ✔️ High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
    ✔️ Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
    ✔️ Triglycerides

    ✔️Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme found in nearly all living cells. LDH helps your body convert the food you eat into energy.

    ✔️Creatine Kinase (CK) is an enzyme found in several tissues, mostly in muscles and the heart. Keeping your creatine levels healthy is key to a healthy heart.

    ✔️High-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a protein produced by the liver. A high level of CRP is a marker of inflammation. Testing for hs-CRP is more sensitive than a standard test and can evaluate coronary artery disease risks.

    ✔️High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is often known as ‘good’ cholesterol as it removes other types of cholesterol from the blood vessels and transports them back to the liver.

    ✔️Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is often known as the ‘bad’ cholesterol. It can build up arteries and cause heart disease. Testing for HDL can determine cardiovascular disease risks.

    ✔️Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. They are needed for metabolic health but in excess can be harmful and increase the risk of heart disease.

    Bood testing rightangled

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How is this test different from the Heart DNA test?

    The biggest difference is that this is a finger-prick blood test, whereas the HeartDNA kit involves a salvia sample collection.
    Where the DNA kit allows you to take a look at your genetics and your genetic predispositions to potential risks in your cardiovascular health, including blood pressure and heart function, the blood kit will show you the current levels in your heart health and what you can proactively do to make changes.
    The Heart Health blood kit also takes a look at other factors that the DNA kit does not focus on, such as your CRP levels, and your Creatine Kinase expression. These are vital for not only maintaining a healthy heart, but other bodily functions that support a healthy heart. The test provides you with a snapshot of your health, which means that you can retake this test regularly to measure the improvements as you make dietary and lifestyle changes.

    What will the Heart Health test tell me?

    Our heart health test can inform you of any cardiovascular risks you might have. It will also give you information about your long term health and how to improve the health of your heart. Knowing more about your heart could save you from problems in the future and make you aware of any risks there might be.

    When will I receive my results?

    We will send you your results via email within 2 business days from the day the laboratory receives your sample.